2003-05, form...formless...

These forms from nature resembling a leaf, a pod, part of a stem, seed, fruit, delicate creepers, twigs or thread like growths are also suggestive of a womb, a vagina, phallic verticals or hair drawing a parallel between all organic forms. Here the lines and forms are metaphors of desire and longing speaking the same language as human beings of magnetic pull between the forms, of union and separation, of joy and pain.                                                                                            

The drawings with black and gold pen done on delicate texture of rice paper or on canvas with charcoal have lines moving both inward and outward at the same time as they orbit around the core form. In these spontaneous drawings lines and points burst out into various animated forms- as if in the process of creation and change all the time.

The works speak of form to formlessness and from formlessness to creation of a form. This process of birth-growth-decay and death, happening all the time, noticeable or unnoticeable is inevitable.

                                                                    view of the display of form...formless...  at Jahangir Art Gallery, 2005